Tuesday, June 21, 2011

it pours

"let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water." -hebrews 10:22

Sometimes when it rains, and the air becomes filled with falling water- I feel as though the world becomes much homier. It reminds me of something- though I can't quite put my finger on it. But it's beautiful. I've always thought rain is just mysterious. I can't believe that the single thing that makes the earth what it is, literally falls from the sky. The thing that our whole world depends on to continue, falls from the sky. From clouds. And sometimes it falls with a show of lightning and thunder, as if the whole idea isn't mysterious enough. As if God wants to make it clear that He is the cause of it, that He takes care of us, that He is all-powerful.

And the tree limbs hang heavy with the weight of it- the air turns pale white with water- and any reflection that we normally can see in the stillness of a lake or a puddle is dulled over by millions of ripples and splashes. The world outside suddenly reflects the misty picture of God and His provision for us. For a few minutes or a half hour, instead of seeing Him in His creation, we see Him in what He gives. We see Him in the innumerable drops of clean, pure, fresh water- water that is brand new and untouched by anyone but God.

And I am reminded that this is the kind of water He has washed me with. He washes me with what is necessary for my physical survival, in order that my non-physical survival may be secured. And it doesn't rain because I can control the clouds, but because He gives us what we need. And I need to be clean. For both the eternal forever and the ever-present today. What a blessing it is to know and understand and see.

Today He wants us to jump and play in His image, like the children we are, in the rainy picture of His love for us. So go jump in a puddle today, and when You do- think of Him and how He has made you clean from the inside out.

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